Frequently Asked Questions

Mr Kumka are here to help you find the Best Deal for your car insurance.

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Car Insurance

What is a No Claims Bonus?

No claims bonus (NCB) is a discount at renewal on your premium, if you didn’t have any claim in the past year.

What is an excess/deductible?

Car insurance excess is the amount you’ll have to pay when you make a claim on your insurance, if you are at fault.

For example, let’s assume you have a car insurance policy with 2000 THB excess.

One day you have a car crash because you didn’t respect a red traffic light and caused 6000 THB damage. You will have to pay the first 2000 THB, while the insurance will cover the other 4000 THB.

In the same example, if somebody else crashes into you because they didn’t respect the red light, it’s not your fault, so you will not have to pay anything and all the reparation costs will be covered.

How do I make a claim?

To make a claim you should contact your insurance.

How to reduce the cost of car insurance?

Compare prices and plans to see which insurance company offers the best plan for your needs.

Drive SafelyAvoid accidents and claims will help you reduce your premium in the next years.

Pay UpfrontYou can often get discounts or promotions when you pay the full yearly price.

Increase Your ExcessPaying an excess can help you reduce your overall premium without additional costs for you, if you have no accidents at fault.

Choose Panel GarageSelecting panel garages reduces the reparation costs for the insurance in case of accident and your overall premium.

Choose named driver plansHaving a named driver allows the insurance company to know who will be driving the car and reduce your cost, compared to having any driver covered.

What are the types of Car Insurance and which are the differences?

There are five types of voluntary car insurance in Thailand:

Type 1This is the most comprehensive type of insurance and it covers you from all accidents and problems, including accidents not involving a third party, fire and theft, flood.

Type 2+Type 2+ does not include accidents not involving a third party.

Type 3+Type 3+ does not include accidents not involving a third party, fire and theft.

Type 2Type 2 does not include any accident, with or without a third party, but it still covers fire and theft.

Type 3Type 3 covers only medical expenses and third-party liability.

Why are some cars costlier to insure than others?

More powerful and more expensive cars are more expensive to repair. That’s why their premium is usually higher

Why are car insurance premiums more expensive for younger drivers?

Young drivers are considered more at risk of having accidents than older drivers. And that’s why their premium is usually higher

How much would car insurance cost me?

The price is determined by a variety of factors, such as the insurance company, the insurance type, type of car, what you use it for, and many others.

MrKumka is here to make that process simpler and quicker, by filling your data only once, compare and select the best plan for you.

Mr. Kumka

Where can I get car insurance in Thailand?

There are many cars insurance available in Thailand. You can purchase one of their plans directly from them or through a broker, online, by phone or in person.

Why do I need car insurance?

Although you are legally obliged only to have a compulsory insurance, the coverage is extremely limited and it is always suggested to have a voluntary insurance to cover you in case of accidents, fire, theft, flood or other unfortunate events.

What is the difference between “Call me Back” and “Buy Now”?

When you choose the plan for you, click “Call me Back” to get contacted by the insurance or “Buy Now” to purchase online.

How do I get a quote?

It’s very easy! Click on “Compare”, input your personal details, your car information and check all the insurance prices! You can check them individually or you can select up to 5 of them and click “Compare” to check all the features one by one.

When you choose the plan for you, click “Call me Back” to get contacted by the insurance or “Buy Now” to purchase online.

How does MrKumka make money?

MrKumka is a Cost-per-Click platform. That means that when you decide to go to an insurer website, we get paid.

Using a CPC model instead of commission allow us to remain independent because we will never push you to buy something more expensive to make more money. No matter what you choose we will make the same amount.

How is MrKumka different?

We are a customer advocate, meaning that:

We work hard to design a simple and clear website for you to compare insurance. We keep improving and your feedback is more than welcome.

We do not show “clickbait” products. Only real products that are worth of your time and money.

We allow online payment. After a comparison you can choose if you want to get in touch with an agent of the insurance of your choice or you can directly buy from them!

Why should I compare car insurance online with MrKumka?

MrKumka considers your driver profile and provides the exact prices for your needs.

You tell us about your car, yourself and your coverage needs and get instantly dozens of side-by-side quotes from top insurance companies for free!

What does MrKumka do?

MrKumka is a car insurance comparison site, where you can get car insurance quotes from several insurances for your exact profile, without approximation.

MrKumka allows drivers to find the best value for their money, without buying something they don’t need or something that is not enough for them.

The site was established in 2017 to simplify online auto insurance shopping and allowing drivers to directly buy online.